The Curse of Overthinking 🧠

Hello Reader,

The first month of 2023 is coming to an end. How’s it going? Did your projects and goals make it through quit day? If not, remember the power of the fresh start effect and take the first of February as your chance to start again.

I feel like I’ve been less effective in my creative endeavors this month than I had hoped (more on that at the end of this email), and my self-talk hasn’t always been kind. Have you noticed this happening to you? Your brain says things that aren’t nice and often aren’t even true, and you don’t realize it until you examine the thought stream?

My way of dealing with this has evolved, and when I’m managing it well, I address whatever the thought is directly and decide if it’s true. Often, it’s not. If there’s truth to it, the best approach I’ve found is to either make a plan to deal with it by getting it on a task list or take immediate action. This moment is the tipping point for me because I’m an expert procrastinator. If I don’t get it done or get it on a list, it’ll keep haunting me.

I shared a quote from Soundtracks by Jon Acuff last year, a book that takes a deeper look at overthinking. I recommend it if you are experiencing the struggle too.

I’ve got a lot of work to do on this, and I’ll be writing about it in my personal reflection journal and on the blog next month.

Media Recommendation

I’m enjoying Panoptico​m, the first new song from Peter Gabriel since 2016. It’s set to appear on the new album I/O which has been in the works for many years. Multiple mixes are available right now, and more are on the way. I prefer the Bright Side Mix, but they’re worth checking out just to see the impact mixing and production can have on a song. I’ve been a Peter Gabriel fan for years, and it’s exciting to hear something new from him.

From the Blog

I published 11 entries on the blog in January. Here are a few of my favorites:

​Finding Focus: Staying on Track With Dark Noise​

​Ted’s Gioia’s 8 Best Techniques for Evaluating Character ​

​Henry Miller on Finishing What You Start ​

​Navigating Time With the Fresh Start Effect ​

​24 Letters Turns One​

Monthly Readwise Quote

From The Studio

​David Sparks is one of my favorite content creators. On a recent call with his Labs members, he mentioned that we all need to get better at talking to ourselves and do so in the same way we would our best friends. Remember this the next time you’re beating yourself up.

In the spirit of what David said, I’m doing some reflection on how this month actually went by asking two questions of myself:

  1. Did I slack off or try to do too much?
  2. How intentional was I with my time?

I want to look at the data, not just what the soundtrack says. I’ll share my thoughts next month.

I enjoy hearing from you! Send me a note if these questions or anything in this newsletter sparked something in your mind.

Until next month, I’ll see you on the blog!


P.S.: If you enjoyed this newsletter, please forward it to a friend or share it on your social or blog so they can take a look and subscribe if interested. Thank you!

Let's Grow Together! đź’ˇ

I send a monthly newsletter about the power of reading and journaling, the benefits of finding focus and productivity through intentionality, and offer insights into how I'm building balance into my life. Be sure to confirm your subscription by checking your spam folder and opting in!

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